

Peace Lily Plant

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.

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The Peace Lily plant is a stunning indoor flowering plant with dark, glossy green leaves and occasional pearly white flowers that put any competitors to shame. Known to be one of the best air-purifying plants, the Peace Lily is a wonderful indoor companion with a fuss-free attitude and low maintenance requirements. It is also fairly fast-growing, making it the perfect lush plant for indoor displays.

  • Water twice a week – Always check your plants before watering, the topsoil should be dry to touch. For succulents allow the potting mix to dry completely before watering again.
  • Needs bright indirect sunlight – Place your plants on window sills where it can get the brightest possible indirect light. Bright indirect light is when the plant is within a couple of feet of a natural source of light.
  • Not Pet Friendly- This plant and your furry friends cannot become the best buds.
  • Beginner Friendly – If you are a new gardener this is a great choice for you. The plant will thrive in your journey to learn gardening with trials and errors.


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